The true treasure of life

Picture5.jpgMade by: Nada Liswi

Edited by: Raghad Abu shreikh

There are many valuable things in life, but friendship may be one of the most important. To live life without the experience of friendshipis life without living. A friend is a person who loves and respects you and never betrays you, to have friendship is to have comfort. In times of crisis and depression, a friend is there to calm us and to help lift our spirits. Continue reading

A Little Boy with a Brave Heart

Picture4.jpgBy: Dina Haddad

The story is talking about a cancer survivor that called ‘’Jayden‘’. Jayden was diagnosed at 14 months with a large Juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma (JPA) tumor, for which he underwent surgery   and forty percent of it was removed.

This was followed by 18 months of chemotherapy to deal to the residual tumor. Within the first year past treatment, his family was told the tumor of Jayden had increased in size and the plan was to try another round of chemotherapy. Continue reading


Picture2.pngBy:Previous messageJoud al Haroun  9c

Editor: Reem Abuhamdeh

“In the beginning there was nothing, but then there was everything.”

When we look at the sky, we see different kinds of natural bodies such

as the sun, the stars, and the moon and so on. They are a part of our universe. The universe is a huge space which contains everything that exists. The Universe can be defined as everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will exist. Continue reading

Who is your best friend? How and when did you meet?

Picture1.jpgBy Natalie

Editor: Dima

There are many valuable things in life, but friendship may be one of the most important. To live life without the experience of friendship, is life without living. Human interaction is a necessity to survival, but developed friendships are essential to the successful well being of anyone. Based upon Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of a friend is, “A person whom one knows, likes and trusts.” But to all, Friendship has no defined terminology. The definition of a friend, and friendship, is based upon one’s own notions. Many people look for different characteristics in friends, things that may be common in nature. There are many different types of friends that one wants or needs. It is best in nature to recognize and appreciate various kinds of friends. Continue reading

Look up

Picture1.jpgBy Julia  9b

Editor: Dima

Social media is taking away people’s lives without them noticing , they are stock in a bubble that they don’t know how to pop , they have there eyes and there phone without looking into people’s eyes and looking up to this world , we are becoming a world where our phones and displays are taking over our lives and we are not even noticing its killing us without us feeling ,its pushing use back from everything in this world ,we don’t care about anything anymore except our phones and displays, it’s becoming our number one priority. Continue reading

The power of positive thinking

positive-thinking-b.jpgBy Dina Khatib

Editor: Lara Nasereddin

Positive thinking has many effects on people’s life that can influence their way of living, and the people around them.

If any person has positive thinking as a habit, for example, when the person is facing an unfavorable situation, the person will keep thinking about positive ways, solutions and results that reduce the pressure, and make it easier to deal with the situation. Continue reading

Who are you ? You are what you are. Own your personal story!

download.pngBy Sandra Bakain

“Who are you to judge the life that I live, I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean”.

“I am”, two of the most powerful words, for what you put after them shapes your reality.

Simply, what I would like to do, if I can, is give you an idea of who you are.

The usual idea of “Who we are?” comes from the superstition of materialism.

You! Yes, you. The one reading this. Be confident with who you are because you are beautiful, talented, amazing but simply the best at being you. You are worthy of love and affection. You’re filled with your own intelligence as well your own curtness. Continue reading

Picture5.jpgBy Hala Abu Hdaib

Editor: Yasmine Bustami

Korean Drama, who doesn’t know about it? Korean dramas is infecting the world, they are popular with a good and funny stories.It could make the people who enjoyed dramas infatuated with it and cannot wait to watch all the series. Some people even become a Korean addicted, they can watch K-Dramas they like for many time without even getting bored. Most Korean dramas have become popular throughout Asia. Korean dramas also preferred for teenagers. There are many reasons for watching K-Drama, but in my opinion there are 4 main reasons to watch it. Continue reading